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Guide To The Best Protection Against Doomsday Disasters


Why should we prepare protective equipment in advance

When a disaster suddenly comes, the first thing you should give priority to is to protect your body, your safety and how to survive when the last day comes.
In the doomsday world, everyone is a threat, and even some dangerous elements will have guns. At this time, if you have a complete set of bulletproof supplies and spare materials, it is very important for you to live longer and longer.
No matter what happens, wearing a bulletproof vest can obtain the highest level of benefits and protection, because gun threats and violent conflicts can occur anytime, anywhere.
Bulletproof vest is a very useful equipment in the arsenal, which can help you survive in the most extreme conditions.
According to your body shape, these vests can protect about 15 to 19 inches of your front and rear torso. In many cases, they can become your ultimate Savior and protect your important organs. No one wants to have a blood hole in your body at the end of the day.
However, even if you wear a bulletproof vest, pay attention to the exposed parts of your body. In addition, if you happen to be in a condition that requires frequent movement, such as hunting or searching for supplies, high-grade protective armor may be a serious disadvantage, because they have a very heavy weight, which may slow you down during movement, affect your mobility and consume your physical strength.
In this case, it may be more effective to use lightweight bulletproof vests and soft bulletproof vests.
When you have to survive, the last thing you want to do is spend your limited time looking for resources and materials you should prepare in advance.
Since the world has not shown any major signs of impending doom, you may want to consider getting a bulletproof vest just in the unlikely, but still possible opportunity, really, really bad things happen.
Even if you never need to wear a bulletproof vest, at least in the worst case, you will never regret not being prepared. As they say, “safety is better than regret!”

Rumors about some bulletproof vests

When it comes to the possession and use of bulletproof vests and other bulletproof vests, there are many rumors. But it is important that we have the ability to distinguish whether these rumors are true or false, because believing such myths can determine life and death.
Rumor 1: Kevlar vest is as effective as hard armor vest
In various communities, it is a very common rumor that Kevlar vests provide the same level of protection as hard armor vests. Is this rumor true or false?
The highest level of protection you can get from soft armor is NIJ IIIA. This rating protects the half sheath of 0.44 magnum hollow points only at 1400 ft / s. Therefore, most rifles or rifles can penetrate soft armor.
This is the main disadvantage of all armor, because many gun threats may be rifles. At the same time, the hard armor plate will be able to provide protection of M61 armor piercing projectile or 2780 ft / s AP projectile up to 7.62 x 39 mm.
Therefore, the protection level of soft armor vest and hard armor vest is different, which should be judged according to the protection level of different vests.
Rumor 2: homemade bulletproof vests are also effective
If you believe in the myth that your homemade bulletproof vests are as good as professional bulletproof vests, you may find that this lie will pay a heavy price.
Commercially manufactured armor meets high standards and is certified to withstand rated circular protection.
Homemade armor may involve complex steps. Even if you know what you are doing, there may be many problems at any stage of production, which you can’t catch up with when it’s too late and will cost you your life.
Just as you don’t want your beer to taste the same as your favorite brand, making bulletproof vests is something you should leave to experts.
Rumor 3: Kevlar vest can be hidden under your clothes.
Most effective Kevlar vests will protrude like a sore thumb under your clothes.
For example, police officers usually wear armor above their uniforms, or if they wear hidden vests under their uniforms, they are sometimes very eye-catching and are likely to provide minimal protection.
In the bulletproof area, we offer many types of concealable vests, so if you are particularly interested in purchasing a very concealed vest, please contact us.
However, this may not be important, because in the “end of the world”, you may need to wear a vest. Being able to hide it will be the last thing you worry about

If you have other rumors that you want to know the truth, please feel free to contact us! We will do a test to verify the authenticity of this rumor!

The Material Of Body Armor

In fact, the bulletproof level of bulletproof armor is determined by its own materials to the greatest extent. All levels of ballistic or “bulletproof” hard armor made of different materials are different.
You can find a brief description of various materials and the advantages and disadvantages of each material below, or if you are interested in reading more, we have published articles on bulletproof materials and bulletproof grades before. You can check our previous articles.
Here we also do a simple review.
Steel plate – the most widely used option is steel, which has been produced and commercially used since World War II. Steel plate is commonly used, but it is not the best choice.
Although steel plates provide users with a lot of protection, it is undeniable that they are also quite heavy. The steel plate often causes excessive peeling or fracture due to impact, resulting in secondary fragmentation damage of shrapnel. This damage is often more serious than your middle single, which will cause serious damage to your internal organs.
Ceramic plate – this material is the best choice for hard armor plate. This kind of steel plate is widely used in the military field. Basically, 80% of combat bulletproof vests contain ceramic plates as bulletproof plates.
It is reported that they suffered the least damage from enemy fire. These applications make it very clear that ceramic plates can be used as bulletproof vests. At the same time, ceramic plates provide equal protection, but are much lighter than standard steel plates.
Polyethylene plates – these plates use the friction generated by the rotation of bullets. Friction basically melts the polyethylene and adheres to the circle. Once stopped, the polyethylene cools and hardens again.
The weight of polyethylene plates is also between 2 and 5 pounds, which makes them much lighter than steel plates and lighter than ceramic plates, but most of this material will be used for the production and manufacture of soft armor.

Overt Or Covert Bulletproof Vest?

When deciding what kind of protection level and type of vest is suitable for you, you should first know that bulletproof vests are mainly divided into two categories, open and hidden.
The dominant bulletproof vest is eye-catching and has a larger shape. Because of this, it can accommodate larger and heavier metal plates, make them stronger than concealed bulletproof vests, and even intercept bullets from high-power rifles when equipped with class IV bulletproof vests.
Its volume and volume will make it difficult to move quickly and can accept long-term use, with stronger wear resistance. This is great for those who take part in long-range combat and consolidate their positions.
On the other hand, a concealed bulletproof vest means being hidden. In addition to the surprisingly obvious factors, stealth bulletproof vests are more comfortable and easier to wear because they are smaller and lighter.
These types of vests are best suited for those who need to move and do not want to experience combat for a long time.

Prevent attacks in the dark

In addition to ballistic protection, some bulletproof vests can also integrate stab or knife protection. This combined protection may be more effective, but at the expense of the weight and volume of the vest itself.
Stab and cut protection should only be considered when you foresee yourself entering melee or frequently viewing closed areas.
However, what we are discussing today is the environment under the doomsday, a world of chaos, no order and no one can trust. Stab prevention is still very important, so you can pursue the combination of mobility and protection in terms of protection. In addition, combined with the stab prevention function, you can at least not worry about the attack of people hiding in the dark at the end of the day

What Is Safety Body Armor Can Do For You

A complete set of protective equipment is a vital necessity for every survivalist or preparer.
Considering how you will move, under what circumstances do you think you do best, and what type of protection level is suitable for you when deciding what vest to wear.
Safety body armor provides a large number of bulletproof vests and steel frames, allowing you to compare multiple items among many models, saving a lot of guesswork when determining whether your choice is correct.
If you have any questions about which type of equipment is most suitable for the worst conditions, please leave a message under this article! Our professional receptionist will contact you at the first time!

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