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What’s the use of buying bulletproof vests?
If you want to compare bulletproof vests to a profession, you can only be bodyguards. Buying bulletproof vests is like hiring bodyguards
But whenever you hire a security officer or bodyguard, there are some things to consider. You need to investigate before you spend any more money.
A: What is their background? Did you graduate from an excellent security school or work for a large company?
B: Do they have certifications and licenses? Is there any official certification?
C: How long have they protected others? What are their ages
D: Did they succeed? What are the odds of success? Are you hurt? Is there any hidden injury history?

At least, you should consider who supports you and who can protect you best.
You won’t choose the first person to wear a dark suit and sunglasses. After all, this is not a Hollywood movie.
Generally speaking, we always do this when we buy products. We choose the first website to pop up in search engines or instagram ads. If we put 4.5 stars in the search results and rank the top, we will buy. Dumpling manufacturers and bacon candles are one thing, but we’re talking about your safety. Purchasing safety products is another thing.

Things to pay attention to when buying bulletproof vests

When purchasing bulletproof vests and other safety supplies, please remember the following points:
A: Where was it made?
B: What material is it made of?
C: What are the conditions of the place of production?
D: What certifications does the product have?

How easy is it to work with the company?
The following is the product introduction of safety body armor:
Our products are made in China. 100% of the materials used come from the materials used by the Chinese people’s Liberation Army. The quality requirements are very high.
At the same time, we also import materials (Kevlar ®、 CORDURA ®) The highest quality, from trusted and respected American manufacturers.
After testing, our products not only meet the trajectory standards of NIJ (National Institute of Justice), but also meet the evaluation standards of any testing institution in the world.
Our bulletproof vests have been repeatedly reviewed by real customers. Just look at some of our linked videos.
We have 20 years of experience in making armor for Tactical Vehicles. We lead the industry with first-class products.
The full range of safety body armor is on standby and eagerly answers any questions or concerns you may encounter. There is no automatic device. Just real people.
So the next time you buy a bulletproof vest or hire a bodyguard, take some time to go deeper, because your safety is very important.

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