Steel Finds A New Home In Modern Bulletproof Industary


Since 1538, when the Duke of Urbino commissioned an armorer in Milan to manufacture some type of personal shield to counter the rapid development of firearms today, body armor has existed in various forms.
With the advancement of time, in the first half of the 16th century, the carriage was gradually replaced by the automobile, and finally was completely marginalized by the modern locomotive in the 1540s.
The same applies to weapons.

With the progress of projectiles, gunpowder and military tactics, weapons have been rapidly improved.
Like many soldiers at that time, the Duke found that without good protection, rushing into dangerous areas or joining the battlefield was undoubtedly suicide.

Decades Of Experiments

Since some scientists consciously developed body protection products, the first batch of bulletproof clothes appeared soon. The first batch of bulletproof clothing was very heavy and seriously affected the normal movement of the wearer.
Its effectiveness varies greatly.
Next, the Italians tried metal, the Japanese tried layered silk, and the Koreans tried overlapping cotton layers.
In the next 300 years, advanced firearms and bulletproof vests mainly belonged to the field of shady tree inventors.

Some outstanding entrepreneurs include the gunman Jim Miller, who wears a steel chest protector, which can actually resist the explosion of pistol bullets and shotguns, much like the scene in the classic western film full of punches.
Another group of Australian bandits tried to make bulletproof vests with a converted plough.

It worked in a way, but it was actually like walking around wrapped in a plow. It’s hard to be intimidated by a robber who looks more like the tin man in the wizard of oz.

Steel – Reliable Partner

In the time span of centuries, steel has become the preferred metal for bulletproof vests.
Anyone who knocks steel already knows that this metal can withstand a whole day of blows, leaving only a few dents.
Of course, the price is to add a little weight. Despite some minor inconveniences, steel is still a popular choice for bulletproof materials today.
“The most common reason people choose steel armor is that compared with other ballistic materials, steel armor has a higher level of protection and a lower price,” said a production expert in the industry.

ROK, one of our customers once said, “when we purchased from western suppliers, we could buy a set of grade III steel plates for less than $200, while the price of the same grade III Protection in light UHMWPE was $600.”
To be sure, today’s steel core bulletproof plates are far from the steel vests produced in the early 20th century.
Laser cutting is carried out according to strict standards, and anti peeling coating is applied.

Today’s steel is a strong competitor to achieve comprehensive protection at a reasonable cost.
Although the current ceramic composite armor has greater protection, from the perspective of shelf life, steel armor can be stored almost indefinitely with little loss of function, while the shelf life of most ceramic / composite armor is 5-10 years.

Takes a Beating

Another reason for choosing steel is that it can withstand more punishment.
“Steel armor is not as easy to crack or deform as ceramic armor.

During the test, we have shot steel armor more than 20 times with M80 balls and 5.56 bullets, without any penetration, and there is almost no deformation on the back.”
Although it may be the same metal, today’s steel body armor is the product of hundreds of years of experiments and improvements.

It may be a bit heavier, but it is a time tested ballistic missile product that is worth considering for those who want a high level of protection without the need for high prices.

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